Thank you for reading As author, creator and blogger for this website, I thought a little background may be of interest. I was born in Exeter, Devon. Shortly after this my family moved to Edale, Derbyshire at the start of the Pennine Way. My family lived in Derbyshire for many years.
I attended Brocksford Hall Prep School in Doveridge as a boarder. I then went to Dean Close (Senior) School in Cheltenham. Even in those days I loved travelling - going by train on my own between school and home.
For University, I went to the University of California in San Diego - a wonderful location - where I received a B.A. I obtained my Masters degree from the University of Leicester.
Today I enjoy travelling the world with my wife and two children. But despite having been to many world cities, London is where the heart is. This is why I choose to write this blog - to help visitors get the most out of this city.
Most of my time is spent between London, Norfolk and Los Angeles. Aside from writing this blog and travelling, I enjoy foodie things, wine, reading and collecting first editions, sports cars and football. Proud supporter of Norwich City FC, I also support a couple of London clubs - Millwall and QPR.
- Ian
Email: [email protected]
Saw your comment on rigmover. I will follow your site too. Don’t know if I will ever get back to London due to my age an money but who knows. I have been twice in 78 and 90. Of course no blogs then. I loved London it makes history so fun and real. I live in US. Thanks.
Hi Nancy: thank you for reading and following my blog. I appreciate it. Even if you can’t get back to London there are lots of ways to enjoy it in absentia. All the best, Ian
I have nominated you for the “Shine On” Award.
You can find the information on the below link if you should choose to accept the award.
Hi Kevin - thanks for the nomination. I appreciate it. ian.
Great blog!, I look forward to see a lot more of your work in the future, especially the Norfolk part as I live there “halftime”. I’m your new follower.
Greetings from the North
Ok, now I understand, this is solely about London, that’s fine also!
London ist that far from Norfolk…
Hi dina - I spend a lot of time in Norfolk (my mother and brother live there) so maybe there’s a Norfolk blog in my future! All the best, Ian
Is it allowed to ask whereabout in Norfolk? Far away from Cley next the sea? If you should be in the near please feel welcome to drop in.
Love Dina
I often visit Cley - my family lives just south of Fakenham, I enjoy going along the NN coast. If you want to connect less publicly my email is [email protected] When I’m in the area and have free time I’m always willing to meet fellow bloggers.
Thank you,Ian. I’ll pass it on to Klausbernd (kbvollmarblog)as well, he lives in Cley permanently.Have a good day.
Best regards
Dear Ian,
well, I like your blog very much und I am the one living permanently in Cley next the Sea, a great place - not only for birdwatchers
If you are in Cley again you are welcome to come around. From the middle of September Dina is here as well. I live in Rhu-Sila in Church Lane.
Best regards
(I am German living in Cley for more than 30 years now)
Hi Klausbernd - thank you for the offer. I will try to remember next time I am up there! All the best, Ian
“London is where the heart is”…..absolutely truth!!!!